Block-II, Nahorjan, Assam (+91) 9612328416 [email protected]

About Us

BTS Distinctive

  • Baptist Theological Seminary is a Dispensational, and Evangelical-Fundamental Bible School. We hold true to the fundamental-evangelical doctrines and practices clearly taught in the Word of God. We refuse to change and compromise truth because of any pressure applied from the world or modernists. We are opposed to any movements and any attempt to water-down and pervert the living Word of God.
  • The King James Version is the only English-language Bible that is used in our classes and allowed on campus.
  • Baptist Theological Seminary believes that strong families make for a strong Church. Therefore, it is committed to going the “second mile” to instill in our students a genuine love and respect for their parents and to also help students become well prepared for marriage and family.
  • BTS is an evangelistic School. We believe that soul winning is the heart of God. All teachers and students are required to go souls winning weekly. On-campus students and all staff members participate in the ministry of Bethlehem Baptist Church. Students who attend their own local church are required to participate fully in their local Churches’ activities.
  • BTS is an old-fashioned and Bible believing School. We believe in discipline. Absolutely no drinking, smoking, dancing, card-playing, movie-going or other questionable activities are allowed. We take a strong stand against modernism and apostasy.
  • BTS is very practical in its training. We not only teach what to do but also show and tell how to do it. We believe that a transformed leader will bring about transformed Church/community/society/nation.

Seminary Teaching Faculty