Block-II, Nahorjan, Assam (+91) 9612328416 [email protected]


Admission Information

General Requirements:

  1. Baptist Theological Seminary as a private educational institution, is free to control admission and attendance of students. However, there is clear understanding of the right to Education (RTE) provision.
  2. Attendance at BTS is a privilege and not a right. This privilege may be forfeited by any student who does not conform to the standards and regulations of the School. Student’s dismissal is a reserved right of BTS, if, in the opinion of the administration of School the student does not conform to the specific rules, regulations and adjust properly to the environment at BTS.
  3. Every student must be saved and have been scripturally baptized in a Church of like faith.
  4. Baptist Theological Seminary is a distinctively Baptist School. All students should understand that Baptist doctrines, Baptist Distinctive, and Baptist polity will be taught.
  5. BTS admits students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the School. BTS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, and admission policies.
  6. BTS is looking for students who are genuinely surrendered and committed to the cause of Christ. We are not interested in being simply a shelter for Christian young people who are confused about the will of God for their lives. Instead, we are interested in becoming an intense training post for Christian leaders dedicated and consecrated for service, souls winning and Church planting.
  7. BTS is founded with the purpose of training young men and women for a life of service to the Lord Jesus Christ. God has called this critically needed ministry into existence for His own glory; therefore, the administration, faculty and staff is dedicated to do all that is possible to effectively train surrendered men and women for His service.

Seminary Teaching Faculty